A Comprehensive
Absolute Terror FAQ
Author: Ketheres, the Eva Sage
Information revised by Steven Swain for entertainment purposes
Please note, that most of the information came from the several
FAQs written by the Eva Sage, who for one has enlightened
me to a point where I can't even speak on the format which
is neon genesis evangelion. There was plenty of information
that he wrote, but since I no longer have the original site
(damn!!!), I'll just give credit where credit is mainly due.
His original writings were bases as compilation of facts which
make up the Evangelion series, giving insight to the original
story and the deeper concept. As time goes on, I might do
further adaptations of his work for the sake of role-play,
perhaps just to spite those tossing out Absolute Terror as
if it was water.
On with
the show---... The Absolute Terror field, commonly known as
the AT field is considered as something amazingly powerful.
Asides from it's destructive, and vivid power, there's plenty
of meaning behind it. This ability was used within the series
known as "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and certainly
after finding out more about it, you'll understand that it's
nothing that can be simply conjured out of someone's insignificant
Knowing the AT Field
AT field and it's Regular types:
The AT field is broken down into several specific types, but
let it be known that all sentient life forms posses and AT
field, especially in the particular types. The particulars
are latent, defensive and offensive absolute terror fields.
The latent AT field can go unnoticed, or unattended to for
an individual's whole life. The AT Field is what holds the
bodies of humans together and ties their consciousness to
that same body. By this, the components of any physical being
in the EVA universe can be described by the formula of AT
Field + LCL Quantity = Physical Entity (with soul) or commonly
known as the primordial glop of evolution.
The absolute
terror field is also the name of the wall we create as human
beings to protect our egos/souls. It is seen mostly in patients
with autism - who can completely cut off the outside world
- and egoists - who can do the same, but do so as a conscious
decision. Since the nature of man is meant to be an egotistic,
selfish sort of person, we're all gifted with the AT field,
somewhat insulting, no? As Ketheres says "This fits nicely
with the fact that the latent AT Field is what holds the bodies
of all lifeforms together. When the field is counteracted,
the body disintegrates and the spirit is freed."
This doesn't
happen to us, because for the most of it, we are born and
raised believing and striving to be individuals. Ever try
and tell someone they're exactly the same as someone they
dislike and they quickly refuse, despite the imposing evidence
against them? Mankind feels locked, comfortable in their little
shells, housing their egos/souls and this in itself is what
creates the AT field, the by-product of the ego which houses
the mortal soul hidden.
In Nerima,
and in role play definition, this has changed up a bit, for
every sentient life form simply possess a latent AT field,
a projection of ego. A latent form is the basis of all other
types. When manifested, the field can serve as a defensive
barrier, or an offensive weapon, or a tool to effect other
fields within radius. AT fields do not simply become visible
unless they are actively engaged in something, such as a collision
with matter, or another AT field.
The most
often, and common used for is the defensive AT field, seen
several times throughout the series and as a viable defense
against literally anything. The raw composition of the AT
Field (When activated) , siphons a defensive field will distort
the space around it, creating a barrier. The field doesn't
become visible until it is hit with by an attack, at which
point the standard octagonal fluctuations in the field can
be seen.
The unlikely
version is the expansion of an offensive field. The offensive
AT Field is the extension of a latent field in an aggressive
manner. The offensive field can take on a couple of forms
- either as a projection of the latent AT Field, or as a warping
of the defensive AT Field. Henceforth, it manipulates the
latent field about one's character, and it becomes used to
your whims. Ranging from contorting the field to concentrated
energy in shape or form (or more particularly a bomb) to merely
an array of destructive light.
Cause and Effect - The true nature of the Absolute Terror
far, we've covered: Latent, Defensive and Offensive Absolute
Terror Fields. Now that you know of their strengths, let's
see their effects and classes.
The Destruction
of an AT field is -impossible- without another AT field. This
might sound cheap, but considering how everyone else has a
field or some sort of weapon driving into the -science- behind
an AT field, it isn't all that hard. To be perfectly honest,
the negative effect of neutralizing one's AT field can leave
a powerful sense of disorientation or loss of inner most emotions.
After all, the AT field is the physical extension of our ego
and our ego is our most fragile self within.
In combat with another AT field user, the neutralization of
a field is always the first step to take. The process occurs
when two fields are in contact. For one field to neutralize
the other, it must eliminate the phase space between the two.
In other words, although both AT Fields are still active,
they do not block the source of the each other.
The nullification process is one of the rarer types of AT
Field interaction. During nullification, an AT Field (or AT
Field derivative) can pass through another AT Field without
being affected. Consider this another form of offensive absolute
terror field trickery. A powerful field utilized can slowly
ebb away at thought and ego itself and can ultimately destroy
someone from the inside out. This process seldom happens due
to the fact that one's more likely to neutralize a field instead
of completely nullify it. AT field nullification occurs in
another strange manner, the deconstruction of the flesh releasing
the ego and making a pure AT form itself. This is all part
of the "instrumentality" of an Anti-AT field (special
Types: Enter the Sea of Dirac, the Great Instrumentality and
the Anti-AT field
Personally, I was wondering if I should write about this section.
I could see it being ridiculously abused as it stands right
now. Though, considering it was rare of even the creatures
who first utilized these special types to siphon the "special"
AT fields, it's best to explain it now before heading onto
the next section. Three types of fields go beyond the latent
type and are capable of terra-forming a planet... They are
the Inverted AT field, the Anti-AT field and the Resonance
AT field type.
Let's start off with my personal favourite, used for one of
my characters.
Long Read Ahead
The inverted
AT field, commonly known as the sea of dirac is theoretically
the key to the very existence of angels within the evangelion
universe. The name of the Sea itself comes from the scientist
Paul Dirac. Dirac was a Nobel prize-winning physicist who
was one of the founders of quantum mechanics and theorized
on the existence of antimatter decades before its existence
was experimentally confirmed. Dirac was mostly quiet, and
only worked at something if there was something profound that
could come of it. One of his more interesting theories was
that of there beings two times - T (atomic time) and t (astronomical
time). How it fits into the inverted AT-Field/AT field equation
is kind of hard to explain without first explaining Dirac's
In his
theorization of antimatter, Dirac deduced that the universe
is created out of equal parts matter and antimatter. The only
problem with this is that if the universe was composed in
this 50/50 manner, it would immediately annihilate itself
after its formation (due to the destructive nature of a matter-antimatter
collision) and leave behind only energy. Therefore, the universe
we live in cannot be this way, but what about other universes?
In a universe where no matter existed, where everything was
energy, there could still be life; it would just operate on
a different level than the physical existence of this world.
A lifeform of pure energy, when introduced to a reality of
physical existence, would necessary clothe itself in matter
to be able to interact with its environment on a controllable
this is what I'd like to call the dirac effect, and what basically
formed all the Angels in the evangelion universe, and as the
eva sage once quoted, that it's behind the theory of evolution
with a sadistic twist.
Sea then is its own reality, an existence much different than
our own. The reason that it can only be "described with
abstract mathematics" is that the mathematics of our
reality aren't applicable there - a mathematician from that
other reality would, in the same vein, only be able to explain
our reality in abstracts from his point of view. As for where
the Sea came from to begin with, I would look to the First
Impact (Giant Impact) for a possible source. In hyperspace
theories based on 10, there are ten dimensions. Originally,
they were combined together, but shortly after the moment
of Creation, they fractured and split into two seperate groups,
one of four (ours) and one of six (hyperspace). To access
hyperspace, one would first have to generate the Plank Energy,
a massive amount of power that quite possibly stands beyond
the ability of any technology conceivable to create. It has
been pointed out that if a black hole could be harnessed,
the necessary power could be created." - Ketheres
Now here's
where it kicks people in the teeth. "How the hell does
anyone or any being have the power to even utilize that sort
of energy?". Well, it's simple really, and it's all found
in the conjuring of the AT field itself (This is where it
gets into the context of role-play, so I'll be brief to explain
this). The AT field upon the extension of the ego creates
a form of resonance with the universe. In the series this
field came from, children were taught to harmonize with these
aspects of reality around them to concentrate their focus
and their harmony with the other AT fields about them. With
the universe (hell even the multiverse), being so vast in
itself, this great power is focused and an AT field is formed
in it's wake, or you could take Ketheres' theory below which
breaks it down for you "I need to know" types...
of the most astounding ideas to be formulated in recent years
is that of strings - a combination of Einstein's gravity and
quantum mechanics. In this theory, all reality is unified
into either the tenth or twenty-sixth dimension. This unification
at higher dimensions solves many of the mathematical problems
that have been encountered in the search for the Theory of
Everything. The superstring theory can explain all of the
four basic forces of the universe - gravity, electromagnetism,
weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. So what does
this amount to? Control over all aspects of our reality -
whether they be energy or matter. Vibrations in the strings
cause the generation of matter particles, of which there are
an extensive variety (more than just electrons, neutrons,
quarks, or leptons - there are over 700 catalogued particles
currently known to man). The vibrations of the strings are
also responsible for the forces that hold matter in cohesion
- the same four listed above..".