The Changeling

Species Name: Changeling
Origin: Planet Freeza
Average Growth: 3'0" - 9'0"
Average Weight: 200 lbs.
Average Life Span: Indefinite
Special Characteristics: Pale colored armor-like exterior. No hair. A long broad tail which can extend to lengths twice the height of the body.

So what's a changeling? Changelings are a race of tyrannical ruthless beings born with a massive amount of power. The race is few, giving room for the few that do exist to neglect forging a civilization of changelings only and go on to create an empire. They usually enlist the aid of mutants to gain sovereignty. Though of course, in the past as history tells us they made the mistake of enlisting the help of the Saiya-jin.

Changelings have absolutely no need to breathe. However they do eat and drink, though doing it often isn't truly necessary. The race is obviously designed to be capable of traveling through space without the assistance of technology and dependency of exterior needs.

Are changelings immortal? It's hard to tell by watching DBZ, but I'd say they aren't. I'm guessing they're capable of living for a few thousand years though, or maybe less, though definitely a number of times longer than a normal human.

They're changelings right? So. What do they change into? This race of changelings is born innately powerful. To keep from accidentally destroying unintentional things (like their planet) they digress through a series of forms until they're at a desired level. As they digress through forms their size and shape change randomly, by random I mean a changeling can actually get three times as big by digressing through forms, but the one thing that's definite to change is the amount of natural exterior armor. So typically, a changeling changes for the first times in their childhood to gain a total of four different forms.

However, the changeling race isn't limited to four different forms. Those that actually discipline themselves progress to even higher forms. A good example would be Koola's fifth form from the DBZ Movie. No one can be sure how long it took him to discover it but it took a few hundred years. In the fifth form an extra coat of armor begins to grow, leaving room to believe even higher forms can compliment this excess of armor and create an entire second coat. Changelings can evolve as long as time and their life spans allow it.

Innate Powers

Ki Manipulation: A personal life energy. It can be used to fly, and as a source to channel large energy attacks. Every person has a capacity of Ki, when their bodies are filled it's considered their maximum power level. Increasing Ki will increase stamina, endurance, strength, concentration of energy, and range of sensory granted by having Ki. The changelings are believed to be able to summon the most amount of energy in the shortest period of time compared to other known races. Changelings aren't born with an innate understanding of Ki so the majority tends to be incapable of sensing the ki of others and discerning anything from it.

Special Limitations or Weaknesses

Changelings aren't born with an innate understanding of Ki so the majority tends to be incapable of sensing the Ki of others and discerning anything from it.

Natural Psionics

Detonate: As apart of changelings incredible psychokinetic powers changelings can harness the latent energy of an object and cause it to explode (Remember that white guy named Krillin?)

Project Force: Changelings can create an instant 'pushing' or 'pull' force to effect other objects.

Telekinesis: Changelings can move things from afar with their mind alone. The largest seen has probably been an entire mountain effortlessly, leaving nearly an infinite scope of possibilities.


Stage 1
Increases to: 0% of base (Strength 0%, Speed 0%, Endurance 0%)
Example Power Level: 5,000,000
Requirements: None
Physical Change: None

This is basically the base for of a changeling, though not the form they were born with. It's the form they comfortably move about in to do everyday activities where they aren't prone to overexcite their latent powers and lay waste to everything around them unintentionally. In this form their natural exterior armor is almost absent, and their size is miniscule compared to later forms.

Stage 2
Increases to: 300% increase of Stage 1 (Strength 350%, Speed 200%, Endurance 350%)
Example Power Level: From 5,000,000 to 15,000,000
Requirements: None
Physical Change: Very large size increase.

This form is basically the beginning of a changeling accessing it's full potential. In physical description it's a much larger version of Stage 1, though with slight changes in armor andhorns. The change in power and endurance is the main advantage of this form, though the flaw is speed.

Stage 3
Increases to: 250% increase of Stage 2 (Strength 200%, Speed 350%, Endurance 200%)
Example Power Level: From 15,000,000 to 37,500,000
Requirements: None
Physical Change: Armor progression.

This form makes up for the flaw in speed in a major way, and to compliment the large increase in speed this form adds even further to strength and endurance. The changeling begins to progress it's armor in this form, covering nearly it's entire upper body. Additionally the changeling gains an extra two horns and takes on an amphibian type look.




Stage 4
Increase: 320% of Stage 3 (Strength 320%, Speed 320%, Endurance 320%)
Example Power Level: From 37,500,000 to 120,000,000
Requirements: None
Physical Change: Armor progression, moderate size decrease.

The true form of the changeling, the form they were born into. The size decrease is moderate compared to it's last two forms, though larger than the first form. Usually a changeling keeps it's power at a standstill in between 1% and 75% of this form's maximum. Upon reaching 100% the changeling gains a bulky mass of muscle. Everything on the changeling is armored, including the tail that can at times appear twice as long as the body.


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