Author: Justin
Name: Devils
Origin: Hell
Average Growth: Varies
Average Weight: Varies
Average Life Span: Indefinite
Special Characteristics: Devils come in all shapes
and sizes, for the most part. However, the saying "Size
doesn't matter" doesn't apply here, as larger devils
bully the weaker ones, and are inevitably more powerful.
is a devil? Devils are the beings that hold dominion over
Hell, a realm that is within Infernia. Beings of incredible
power, they are more lawful-minded rather than their chaotic
counterparts within the Abyss. While quite physically impressive,
their physicality is not like demons. However, they are noted
to be more proficient with psionics or magic.
all devils really powerful? On the average, devils are
more powerful than most other races. Physically dominant and
with proficiency in either magic or psionics, they hold an
immense advantage over others. However, age is the determining
factor for true strength amongst these beings. Older devils
are known to be much more powerful, and hoard it over the
devils have transformations? Unlike others, devils do
not have the type of transformations that others, such as
changelings and saiya-jin, have. Rather, as they age, devils
grow into new forms. Each new form they grow into gives them
greater access to their abilities. Each form also has its
own unique make-up, so each one is completely different than
anyone else's. While two devils may appear to look the same,
their physical stature and unique abilities can vary greatly.
possess superior physical prowess than most races, however
pale when put in comparison to demons. Yet they make up for
it by possessing either psionics or magic. In the case of
psionics, a devil will possess near-mastery over one domain
and minor powers from others. In the case of magic, they are,
again, near-masters over it and are capable of spells of immense
Ability: Each devil will have one ability that is uniquely
its own. As such, this is hard to describe, yet can be viewed
as a power from within a domain of psionics, a spell from
magic, or a specific elemental ability. Some can throw fireballs
without effort, while others can unleash a whirlwind of force,
capable of breaking down mountains.
Mastery: Devils are masters of their chosen ability, whether
it is magic or psionics. In the case of psionics, they will
choose one domain in which to master and have a scattering
of other powers. In the case of magic, they are more than
equal to taking on many mortals who are "masters of magic"
and walk away unscathed. As they age, they become more capable
in the powers they possess, overwhelming opponents before
they know what has happened.
Manipulation: Personal life energy. It can be used to
fly, and as a source to channel large energy attacks. Every
person has a capacity of Ki, when their bodies are filled
it's considered their maximum power level. Increasing Ki will
increase stamina, endurance, strength, concentration of energy,
and range of sensory granted by having Ki. Devils are less
likely to perform things with Ki when they have the option
to do the same with either psionics or magic. However, they
are capable and can hold their own in its usage.
Limitations or Weaknesses
Weakness: Whether it's the mythic come true or simply
something, which has developed over time, devils are very
weak against that which is considered "divine".
Weapons of divine nature cause gruesome wounds to devils,
and magic that has a divine source is also a good weapon to
use against them.