Author: Justin
the infamous powers of the mind, are one of the most powerful
abilities throughout the Multiverse. Psionics, or psychic
powers, are divided into six groups: Clairsentience, Metacreativity,
Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Telepathy.
Each will be addressed in its own section shortly.
draw upon the user's mind, making it hard to fully master.
Novices and those not used to utilizing psychic powers find
themselves exhausted quickly. People who are used to meditation
are more suited to use psionics, but no one can attain mastery
overnight. The mind contains psychic energy, which is increased
by mental training. The more psychic energy a person has,
the greater his or her capability will be to use psionics,
whether they are minor powers or physics-bending greater ones.
As was
stated earlier, there are six groupings in which psionic powers
are divided. Can someone master all six? If someone spends
hundreds, if not thousands, of years practicing and honing
his or her mind, it is a possibility. However, it is far from
the standard. Most develop an affinity towards one grouping
alone, and simply develop that to the fullest. There are,
however, exceptions to the rule. One race, found only in Celestia,
is known as the supreme psychics of the Multiverse. See Psions,
under the Race FAQ.
is the grouping of psionic powers, which relate to finding
out the hidden things in life. This includes sending one's
eyes and ears out across the Multiverse to learn that which
was lost or forgotten. Masters of clairsentience become precognitive,
learning and knowing things before others. Those who dedicate
themselves to this category are referred to as seers, due
to their ability to perceive, that which is hidden, and know
what has yet to occur.
is the grouping of psionic powers, which relate to creation.
This is done through a process in which one's psychic energies
are changed into a raw form of ectoplasmic energy, which can
be shaped to the person's will. Through this process, people
can make nearly anything conceivable, although the more complex
the item made, the more psychic energy is used for the ectoplasm
to create the item. While most things made in this manner
are minor and never last for more than a few hours, those
who wish to make things permanent must draw heavily upon their
stores of psychic energy. Those who dedicate themselves to
this category are known as a shaper, using the mind's energies
to shape a future to their whims.
is the grouping of psionic powers, which relate to the many
uses of energy and, in essence, mind over matter. Telekinesis
sits at the heart of this grouping of powers, for through
it one can either destroy things at a distance with nothing
more than a thought, or manipulate various objects at the
same distance. However, as it deals with more than just that,
the practitioner of this psychic grouping finds himself or
herself able to interact energy and matter with ease. The
interaction of energy and matter allow them to accomplish
great things, whether beneficial or malevolent is up to the
wielder. Those who dedicate themselves to this category are
known as a savant, for they constantly practice mind over
matter, forever seeking to blend energy and matter in a more
perfect state.
is the grouping of psionic powers, which relate to the changes
of the body through psionic powers. Using the powers within
this category, the wielders find themselves altering the body
to adapt to environments easier, even going so far as enhancing
combat prowess by altering the body's physical structure to
cause even greater harm in melee. The practitioner of this
grouping of powers is more in tune with the natural way of
life, and the body's workings, than anyone else. Through this
grouping of powers, a person can perform amazing feats that
people can only dream about otherwise. Those who dedicate
themselves to this category are known as egoists, since their
incredible knowledge of how the body works tends to make them
think they are superior to all others.
is the grouping of psionic powers, which relate to movement
through space and time. The powers of this category can push
the boundaries of the space-time continuum, allowing the user
to move through space with but a thought, going from one end
of the world to the other, or even going so far as traveling
to another planet. The powers go so far as to allow the practitioner
to speed himself up, moving faster than the eye can follow
or even faster, seemingly striking dozens of times before
the opponent can even make a move. A master of psychoportation
is almost impossible to strike, for they will not be where
you want them to be. Those who dedicate themselves to this
category are known as nomads, for with their incredible powers
over space and time, they are never stuck to one place as
most others are.
is the grouping of psionic powers, which relate to the raw
abilities of the mind. The powers within this group allow
the wielder to influence the minds of anywhere from one to
thousands of people, with the proper amount of psychic energy
backing it. Unlike the other powers, which tend to have physical
manifestations of the powers, the powers within this group
are invisible. This category strikes directly at another's
mind, allowing them to do nearly anything without being seen.
Powerful practitioners can do anything from locking a being
within a maze that exists only within their mind to emitting
psychic shrieks, which can bring even the strongest foe to
his or her knees. Those who dedicate themselves to this category
are known as telepaths, for their powers rely mostly upon
telepathy and, if a connection is achieved to another's mind,
dominion will be soon to follow.