Name: Saiya-jin
Origin: Planet Vegeta
Average Growth: Variable
Average Weight: Variable
Average Life Span: 300 years
Special Characteristics: Hair that stays the same from
the time of birth. A tail resembling that of a primate's.
what's a saiya-jin? The saiya-jins are a race of primitive
warriors possessing an enormous amount of physical power;
they're very known for being ruthless and treacherous. Although
they don't possess immortality, their lifespan exceeds the
lifespan of normal humans.
how else are saiya-jins different from normal humans?
A saiya-jin is born into the world already possessing an amazing
amount of physical power. They also progress physically a
lot faster than humans, meaning at the age of four a saiya-jin
is capable of training as severe as those much older than
himself. While humans have to train a majority of their life
in martial arts to attain the ability to use ki, it comes
natural to most saiya-jins. Oh yeah, a saiya-jin also has
a tail.
me more about the tail! Well, it's a tail, but it isn't
a simple tail. The tail of the saiya-jin seems to be the key
element to a saiya-jin, not only is a saiya-jin more powerful
with their tail intact, it grants them certain saiya-jin evolutions.
Those evolutions being Oozaru, and SSJ4, but both are temporary
Manipulation: A personal life energy. It can be
used to fly, as a source to channel large energy attacks,
to sense other people around and determine their power levels,
where they are, their intentions, and if they are hurt or
are on the verge of dieing. Every person has a capacity of
Ki, when their bodies are filled it's considered their maximum
power level. Increasing Ki will increase stamina, endurance,
strength, concentration of energy, and range of sensory granted
by having Ki.
Limitations or Weaknesses
tails are extremely sensitive, when grabbed their power begins
to diminish slowly.
Saiya-jins who advance their minds enough are capable of hearing
a conversation held by a familiar person
Clairvoyance: Saiya-jins who advance their minds enough
are capable of seeing the actions of a familiar person
Psychic Impressions: Capability to observe an area
and determine recent events that occured there, mainly battles
and the people who were recently there
Mindlink: The ability to link one's mind to another
willing mind and communicate
ESP: The ability to read another's mind assuming they
provide no resistance
Life Detection: The ability to sense lifeforms within a certain
to : 1000% of normal form (Strength 1000%, Speed 1000%,
Endurance 1000%)
Example Power Level: From 30,000,000 to 300,000,000
Requirements: Saiya-jin tail intact
Physical Change: Transform into a 40 foot tall weremonkey
This form
was at one time the most common transformation among saiya-jins.
When a saiya-jin transforms into this stage, their bodies
are completely covered in fur, their height matches that of
a building, and their anatomy closely resembles that of an
ape. So basically..they change into giant apes. There's more
to this transformation than physical appearance, the saiya-jin's
power level increases by tenfold. A saiya-jin not use to the
form tends to lose all human traits, and immediately destroys
everything in sight in a blind rage. What're the requirements
to attain this form? Firstly, you must be a saiya-jin, and
secondly, you must have your saiya-jin tail intact. The third
and final requirement is that a saiya-jin must absorb a certain
amount of rays from the moon into their eyes. Once their source
of moon rays ceases, or their tails are cut off, the saiya-jin
returns to his/her normal form.
Increases to: 200% of Oozaru (Strength 400%, Speed
0%, Endurance 200%)
Example Power Level: From 300,000,000 to 600,000,000
Requirements: Saiya-jin tail intact, able to transform
into a super saiya-jin
Physical Change: Transform into a 40 foot tall weremonkey
with golden fur
This form
is far more advanced than Oozaru, though the only physical
difference is the color of the fur, which has turn golden.
Like Super Saiya-jin, this form uses energy in its rawest
and most destructive form. Most of everyone has their theory
of what Golden Oozaru is and what're its requirements. Here
are mine. A saiya-jin must have his tail, must have the ability
to transform into a Super Saiya-jin, and must absorb a greater
amount of rays than regular Oozaru. Of course a saiya-jin
has to have their tail, but why Super Saiya-jin? Because the
form deeply resembles Super Saiya-jin, Golden Oozaru is to
Oozaru as Super Saiya-jin is to a regular Saiya-jin. Why a
greater amount of rays? Well Goku absorbed the earth's rays,
and that is a lot more than the moon can offer.
Super Saiya-jin
to: 150% of normal form (Strength 150%, Speed 150%, Endurance
Example Power Level: From 30,000,000 to 45,000,000
Requirements: Extreme sorrow or anger
Physical Change: Bulkier muscle mass, pupils and iris
Well, this form isn't really a Super Saiya-jin form at all,
but it's indeed different from a saiya-jin's normal form.
The best way to describe this form is to call it the midpoint
between saiya-jin and Super Saiya-jin. This form was only
seen in Movie 4 when Goku got really pissed off at Slug. It's
very noticeable that this form is the midpoint, a saiya-jin
is surrounded by a massive aura of pure energy, a saiya-jin's
hair stands and a saiya-jin's eye color begins to change.
Along with that comes a massive amount of power. Requirements?
Well, a saiya-jin must be near the required power level of
attain the Super Saiya-jin form, which could be anywhere from
800,000 and 5,000,000. A saiya-jin must also experience extreme
rage to trigger the effect.
Increases to: 300% of normal form (Strength 300%, Speed
300%, Endurance 300%)
Example Power Level: From 30,000,000 to 90,000,000
Requirements: Saiya-jin must have a pure heart, and
a 'need', not a 'want', to trigger the transformation
Physical Change: Bulkier muscle mass, golden hair,
emerald iris
Changing into this form holds a lot of benefits. The saiya-jin's
power level increases several times over, commonly at least
threefold. Along with the strength increase, the saiya-jin
attains the ability to harness energy in its purest form,
their famous golden auras symbolizing the amazing amount of
energy channeled through them. When a saiya-jin first learns
to transform into a Super Saiya-jin, it takes months of training
to get to the point where it isn't spontaneous, and it happens
at will. Requirements? Well, a saiya-jin must first have the
required power level, which I feel is 5,000,000 or so. Yes
I know some of you think Goku's power level was 300,000, but
that was his power level just before the fight with Frieza.
After being severely beaten, plus the immense physical strain
of using the Kaioken at such high levels, Goku's power level
surely skyrocketed. Next, as described by Goku, a saiya-jin
must have a pure heart, whether it is pure evil or pure good.
The next requirement is debatable, which is a saiya-jin must
experience extreme rage. I agree with that, but I don't believe
that's the only factor, a saiya-jin must have a reason for
transforming, the transformation -has- to be a dire need.
Saiya-jin Grade 2
Increases to: 200% of Super Saiya-jin (Strength 300%,
Speed 150%, Endurance 150%)
Example Power Level: From 90,000,000 to 180,000,000
Requirements: Must exceed a normal Super Saiya-jin's
Physical Change: Even more bulkier muscle mass
Not Super
Saiya-jin level 2, but grade 2. When a Super Saiya-jin starts
to feel more hidden power within them, they pursue the ascended
Super Saiya-jin forms, this being the easiest and first. But
this form is basically a beefed up Super Saiya-jin, when a
saiya-jin normally entered the Super Saiya-jin form, that
was the extent of his/her power, but this form allows the
saiya-jin to power up even further as if it was his/her regular
form. Physical changes? Well a saiya-jin's muscle mass increases,
along with the size of their hair, that's about it. Requirements?
A saiya-jin must have trained with the Super Saiya-jin form
for an extended period of time, that's about it.
Saiya-jin Grade 3
Increases to: 175% of Super Saiya-jin Grade 2 (Strength
300%, Speed -75%, Endurance 300%)
Example Power Level: From 180,000,000 to 315,000,000
Requirements: Must exceed a normal Super Saiya-jin's
Physical Change: Even more bulkier muscle mass
similar to Grade 2, but this form takes it a step further.
This form is a more beefed up version of Grade 2, it's very
powerful but it has a weakness. Unlike normal power ups, this
forms strength and speed doesn't raise equally, in fact the
speed of the saiya-jin drops due to bulky muscles, a heavy
price to pay for brute strength. Physical differences? The
muscle mass of the saiya-jin more than triples in size, and
the saiya-jin's hair grows dramatically as well. Additionally,
along with the common golden aura come spontaneous bolts of
electrical energy, most likely signifying that the saiya-jin's
power is near that of Super Saiya-jin level 2.
Super Saiya-jin
Increases to: 300% of normal form (Strength 300%, Speed
300%, Endurance 300%)
Example Power Level: From 30,000,000 to 90,000,000
Requirements: Must perfect the Super Saiya-jin power
Physical Change: No distinct changes from Super Saiya-jin
You can
call this form 'Super Saiya-jin full power', 'ascended Super
Saiya-jin' or whatever you want, but this is the limit of
the regular Super Saiya-jin power. This form is complete mastery
over the Super Saiya-jin form. A saiya-jin can stay in this
form for prolonged periods of time without having to exert
energy to maintain the form. While this form's brute strength
doesn't really equal that of Super Saiya-jin Grade 3, it's
very balanced, it's strength is far greater than a normal
Super Saiya-jin's strength, as well as speed, another benefit
to this form is that a saiya-jin doesn't have to waste stamina
transforming. Requirements? Achieving this form requires a
different method of training than the method used to attain
Grade 2 and 3. While Grade 2 and 3 required intensive training
and powering up in the Super Saiya-jin form, this form requires
intensive training coupled with the idea of staying a Super
Saiya-jin as long as possible.
Saiya-jin Level 2
Increases to: 400% of Super Saiya-jin (Strength 400%,
Speed 400%, Endurance 400%)
Example Power Level: From 90,000,000 to 360,000,000
Requirements: Must exceed the limits of a True Super
Saiya-jin and have a 'need' not a 'want' to trigger the effect
Physical Change: Increased sharper muscle mass, longer
and slightly darker golden hair
form is officially the second level of Super Saiya-jin. A
Super Saiya-jin's power, speed, and stamina all increase in
sync when transforming to this form, correcting the mistakes
of Grade 3. But this form's power is far superior to Grade
3 and other ascended Super Saiya-jin forms; infact the difference
can be compared to saiya-jin and Super Saiya-jin. Along with
longer hair, muscle mass increase, a larger aura and a lot
of electrical currents, a saiya-jin gains the ability to adjust
their strength and speed. Requirements? Mastery over the Super
Saiya-jin form, and a dire need to attain the form and/or
extreme rage.
Saiya-jin Level 3
Increases to: 125% of Super Saiya-jin Level 2 (Strength
175%, Speed 175%, Endurance -25%)
Example Power Level: From 360,000,000 to 450,000,000
Requirements: Must dig a find a vital power deeper
and more potent than the ki used to transform in the past
Physical Change: Bulkier muscle mass, no eyebrows,
three extra feet of golden hair
is a very hard form to attain, although it can be achieved
through extreme rage (Gotenks), it requires an extensive amount
of training with the Super Saiya-jin forms to realize that
it exists and how to achieve it. Physical difference? This
form has the biggest physical difference over all, the saiya-jin's
muscle mass increases, eyebrows completely disappear, and
their hair length more than triples in length. This form is
very difficult to master, and even when it's mastered to the
point that a saiya-jin can transform directly to it from theirs
regular form, it takes a lot of energy to maintain.
Saiya-jin Level 4
Increases to: 400% of Golden Oozaru (Strength 400%, Speed
400%, Endurance 400%)
Example Power Level: From 600,000,000 to 2,400,000,000
Requirements: Must exceed a normal Super Saiya-jin's
Physical Change: Fur growth everywhere aside from center
torso, a foot or so of hair growth, bulkier muscle mass, crimson
pupils and iris
this form isn't like the other Super Saiya-jin forms to put
it short. It can be described as a compressed controlled version
of Golden Oozaru with a significant power increase. This is
undoubtedly the strongest of the Super Saiya-jin forms, both
rage and sorrow triggers this transformation.
Super Saiya-jin
Increases to: Power amplifies with rage, uncalculable
Requirements: By whim of fate, must be the one and
only legendary super saiya-jin
Physical Change: Pupil and iris disappearance, tremendous
muscle mass increase
considered this form Goku's regular Super Saiya-jin form,
some considered it was Goku's Super Saiya-jin level 4 form,
but in both cases, more than one of each kind appeared, so
to cover plot holes, Broli was created. The legendary Super
Saiya-jin form is far more powerful than Super Saiya-jin.
Physical difference? A green aura replaces the normal golden
one, muscle mass increases tremendously, and eye pupils fade
completely. Requirements? Not every saiya-jin can attain this
form, in fact only one can exist at a time and every so many
years, so the odds of becoming the legendary Super Saiya-jin
is very low.