The Shadovar
Author: Justin

Species Name: Shadovar
Origin: Infernia
Average Growth: Varies
Average Weight: Varies
Average Life Span: Indefinite
Special Characteristics: The Shadovar is a small-numbered race, yet their characters are always the same. Dark in skin tone, touching upon being shadowy, they appear to be nondescript.

What are the Shadovar? The Shadovar (singular, Shadovari) are rumored to be the spawn of elder gods, those who had been twisted by their own thoughts and combination of the ether's effects upon it. Rather than living within Hell of the Abyss within Infernia, rumors persist that they dwell elsewhere within Infernia, a place where only they may live. Ancient beyond years, they follow their own path when it comes to things, meaning they may be considered as evil since they'll do what they wish.

The Shadovar are beyond the usual mortal requirements of eating, sleeping, and breathing. No one really knows what they subsist on, but it may be the ether itself, having reached a state of existence that may rival the elder gods themselves. Yet nothing's known, and those are just rumors. However, it is known that they are formidable opponents in any field of combat, whether it is physical, magical, or psychic.

What kind of powers do the Shadovar possess? It is truly unknown as to what types of powers they possess, for they have been around since the beginning. There are no young Shadovar, only those that currently exist. No records exist of the Shadovar, save that elder gods spawned them at the dawn of time. It is known that they use psionics and magic with ease, and can only be matched in the psionics area by the Psions. It is rumored they have a strong tie to the ether, and because of it are capable of powers which alter the fundamental laws of reality.

In terms of raw physical prowess, the Shadovar are supreme amongst those that live within Infernia. When the Shadovar have been challenged before, those who sought supremacy over Infernia were struck down with strength that could not be matched. In rare cases of physical combat, even those beings that thought themselves supreme in physical strength were outclassed.

Innate Powers

Magic Mastery: The Shadovar are masters of magic as well, able to wield spells which are beyond the grasp of many with ease. It is rumored that, due to their connection with the ether, they have an affinity to mana that few, if any, could ever hope to rival.

Ki Manipulation: Personal life energy. It can be used to fly, and as a source to channel large energy attacks. Every person has a capacity of Ki, when their bodies are filled it's considered their maximum power level. Increasing Ki will increase stamina, endurance, strength, concentration of energy, and range of sensory granted by having Ki. The Shadovar have a great understanding of Ki, and are capable of utilizing it to its fullest extent.

Natural Psionics

Psychic Mastery: The Shadovar are masters of the mind, capable of psychic feats, which few others have ever even dreamt of. Yet even they do not hold supremacy over the domain of the mind, for only the elder gods have that. It is common for a Shadovari to have full command of three psionic domains.


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