Mobile Suit Engineering and Operation
Author: Tommy

Console Explanation

The images on the four main monitors are derived from the 12 cameras distributed around the mobile suit's body, to present the external world as if you were sitting in its head. (You're warned not to forget to protect the torso, where you're actually sitting.)

The communications monitor on the top console is used to communicate with the deck crew and operators aboard your carrier ship or hangar bay. Thanks to Minovsky interference, you can only get visuals over short distances; after that, it's voice only. Although there's a dedicated rear-view display, you'll get an automatic verbal warning if an enemy gets behind you, and you can then use the controls on the left console to put the rear-view image up on the main monitor.

Most of the mobile suit's critical functions are handled by the control sticks and foot pedals. The sticks control the flight direction, and also house the trigger and weapon selector, while the foot pedals provide throttle and braking functions. Even in combat, most of the mobile suit's functions are computer-controlled; as a result, even a grade-schooler could operate it.

Panel and Console Diagram

A diagram calls out the major controls in the mobile suit cockpit. The cockpit consists of a seat and four monitor panels - front, top, left, and right. The front and top monitors sport small control consoles, and the other instruments are built into the seat or its side consoles.

The top monitor console includes two smaller screens - a rear-view monitor and a communications monitor (on the left and right sides respectively). In between are sets of sensor mode selectors.

The front monitor console bears, left to right, generator starter switches; a threat-warning panel; and monitor toggle switches.

The left and right armrests of the seat sport almost identical controls. Each side has a sliding control stick - the right is for weapons, and the left for steering, but there is some functional overlap - plus a row of ten buttons for manually activating the apogee motors. The left armrest also sports a throttle lever, which seems to function something like a gearshift for the thrusters. Additional side consoles are attached to the armrests; these contain controls for communications and external monitor modes (on the left), drive/fuel system mode selectors, and warning monitors (on the right). A mysterious "index sub-console" dangles off the right console.

Finally, there are the two-foot pedals - brake on the left, throttle on the right. The throttle pedal functions like a car's accelerator. (Note that the throttle lever on the left armrest governs the upper limit of your thruster output.)

Cockpit Controls In-Detail

This design follows traditional fighter cockpit designs. Most of the functions are controlled by the MS' computer core coupled with the MS's learning A.I. module for a complete fly-by-wire system. The AMBAC (automatically) maintains the MS' equilibrium while the MS is moving.

Right Control Interface (RCI)
The right control interface is used for MS direction and orientation. It is implemented as a self-centering, 3-DoF (Degree-of-Freedom) flight control yoke that controls the MS' orientation (pitch, roll, and heading). The index finger is used to operate a self-centering, mini 2-DoF control stick in lieu of the main trigger. This interface used to control the MS' vertical and horizontal side movements.

Control Buttons:
Head vulcan trigger (x1) - fires the MS head vulcans, if available.

MS actuator grab switch (x1) - tells the MS' CPU to reach/grab the currently selected target.

MS actuator block switch (x1) - tells the MS' CPU to reach/block the currently selected target.

Macro selector wheel (x1) - used to select a specific pre-programmed macro from a list of macros to execute. The wheel has a pushdown action that allows the pilot to select a specific group of macros. Turning the wheel allows the pilot to select a particular macro from within the current macro group. The MSW is notched to prevent the interface from undesired 'free-wheeling'.

Macro execution trigger (x1) - used to execute the currently selected macro.

Left Control Interface (LCI)
The left control interface is used for forward/backward movement and fire control for the MS and is implemented as a sliding throttle control. The handle has a single-axis twisting action that either locks the LCI in place or unlocks it in order to be moved. It also has a self-centering, mini 2-DoF control stick (located on the thumb area). This interface directly controls the on-screen targeting reticule and is indirectly responsible for head and upper-torso movement related to target tracking. On terrain, if the MS is capable of sustained atmospheric flight, the LCI also controls MS/MA forward/backward flight.

Control Buttons:
Target selector dial (x1) - used to 'scroll' through available targets in their order of proximity to the MS. Notched, freewheeling interface.

Primary weapon trigger (x1) - fires/activates the currently selected primary weapon, if available.

Secondary weapon trigger (x1) - fires/activates the currently selected secondary weapon, if available.

Weapon selector 8-way HAT switch (x1) - used to select the current weapon. The HAT switch has a pushdown action that allows it to be used to select either primary (usually beam-based weaponry) or secondary (usually projectile-type) weapons.

Beam weapon power level control knob (x1) - used to select power level of current beam weapon, if available. Doubles as blade-length adjustment for beam sabers, if available and is currently selected.

Right Foot Pedal (RFP)
On terrain, this pedal is used for MS locomotion. The normally raised position of the RFP stops the MS (either in flight or in stride). The degree of depression corresponds to the appropriate speed. Thus, the more the depression, the faster the MS attempts to go. Pumping the RFP will result in the MS taking a half step. However in space, the RPF functions as an acceleration pedal. When used in conjunction with the LCI, the pilot can execute sudden stops or course changes by releasing the RFP and pulling the LCI backwards.

Left Foot Pedal (LFP)
This pedal is used for jump and bend controls. The normally raised position on the LFP is equivalent to the MS standing upright. Stepping on the pedal makes the MS bend at the knee and hip joints. The more the pedal is depressed results in a lower position of the MS. Releasing the pedal restores the MS to it's upright position. However, releasing the pedal instantly would make the MS jump (or jet-assisted jumps). Pressing the LFP all the way down and holding it there for three (3) seconds causes the MS to kneel.

In space, the LFP has multiple functions depending on the current situation. If the MS is standing on a surface (ship's bulkhead, carrier launch deck, colony's walls, etc.), the LFP functions as a jump/leap and bend controls (as on land). When the MS is moving at more than 70% (or upon the MS pilot's preference) of it's maximum attainable velocity, the LFP is used to make sudden stops or move backward quickly. When used in this way, the LFP overrides the control signals from the RFP and the LCI (direction commands only) so that the MS can accomplish almost-instantaneous direction changes. The LFP looses this control once the MS has attained 10% of it's maximum attainable velocity moving in the opposite direction. The pilot has to then use the LCI/RFP to continue moving in the same direction. If not, the MS will start moving in it's original heading. When maneuvering (around 2% to 5% of the maximum attainable velocity or moving under it's own momentum), the LFP is generally inert. In combat mode, the LFP is used as a dodge/avoid control. This is used in conjunction with the various proximity sensors and targeting systems- coupled with the AMBAC system- to determine the proper course of action the MS should take to avoid the threat.

Center Console (CeC)

The center console (depicted in Figure 3.5) contains readouts of the MS' vital systems (reactor temperature, fuel readings, current velocity, acceleration factor, thruster temperature, weapons load out, weapons readouts, damage readouts, life-support, etc.) It also contains autopilot controls, the communications and navigation consoles. The center consoles also contain the AMBAC enable/disable switch as well as the interface to the MS main computer core. In addition, the center console also contains the mode selector (flight, patrol, recon, and combat) for the MS. The center console also houses the controls to the MS' manipulators (hands) in the event that the pilot needs to control arm movement manually.

Left Arm Console (LAC)

The left arm console (depicted in Figure 3.6) contains the MS activation switch and 'key' insertion point. The life support and direct interface to the MS computer can also be found in the left arm console. The LAC also houses half of the controls to the MS' various thrusters/vernier jets (left-side only) in the event that the pilot needs to maneuver the MS manually.

Right Arm Console (RAC)

The right arm console (depicted in Figure 3.7) contains selector switches for all auxiliary weapons (missiles, chafe, etc.). I-field (if present) controls (power levels) are also found here. The visual cues control (discussed later) can be found there. The RAC also houses half of the controls to the MS' various thrusters/vernier jets (right-side only) in the event that the pilot needs to maneuver the MS manually.

Head-tracking unit mounted in the pilot's helmet directly controls the head vulcan's on-screen targeting reticule (different from the main/secondary weapon's targeting reticule).

With these configurations, critical controls are at the pilot's fingertips. Thus, during combat situations, the pilot does not have to take his/her hands off the controls to access weapons selection and other combat-critical actions. Also, complex actions can be carried out easily and efficiently. For example, to make the MS jump backward on terrain, all the pilot has to do is step on the LFP, pull the LCI backward, and release the LFP. This is not unlike operating a manually controlled automobile.

This configuration also puts weapons control and MS maneuvering control on distinct and separate control interfaces, which limits pilot confusion. It should be noted that all controls are reconfigurable by the MS technician/pilot depending on mission parameters and pilot preferences.

Example Launch Sequence

When you enter the cockpit, first buckle up your seatbelt. Then turn on the generator (via the front console), check the warning monitors (on the right console), and use the monitor toggles (front console again) to switch to systems check mode. If anything's wrong, contact the deck crew,

Now you're ready to get on the catapult. Set the drive system mode to "walk" (via the right console) and proceed to the catapult as per your operator's directions, picking up your weapons on the way. Use the throttle pedal to walk forward, the control sticks to turn, and the brake pedal to stop.

Once you're on the catapult, it's time to warm up your thrusters. First set the drive/fuel system mode to "catapult shoot" (right console again), then release the lock on the throttle lever (left armrest) and slide it into "idling" position. Check the warning monitors again, and set the throttle lever to "taxi-ing" position. This lets you use your thrusters to pick up a little extra speed during launch.

When your operator gives you the signal, you're clear to launch. Just release the brake pedal, and you'll be shot into the atmosphere. Using your thrusters as little as possible (to conserve propellant), join your teammates in formation. You can use the index sub-console (attached to the right console) to load pre-programmed mission routes, including your return course at the end of the mission.

Example Combat Sequence

The warning panel (on the front console) will alert you to approaching enemies - in this example, because your mono-eye's infrared sensors have picked up their thruster flares. Set the sensor mode to "scan" (via the top console), and the mono-eye will automatically seek out enemy targets. As you enter battle, set the drive/fuel system mode to "combat," and crank up the throttle lever for bursts of propellant-burning speed.

Set the combat mode selector on the right control stick to "shooting," and release the trigger lock. A targeting reticule will then appear on your main monitor, while enemy units will be tagged with target symbols. Use the control stick to move the reticule onto the desired target, get a lock-on, and pull the trigger. In close-quarters combat, set the combat mode selector to "melee." Go a few seconds at full throttle - can't waste propellant - to close the distance, then pull the trigger to swipe with your beam sword.

In the course of this chapter's combat example, there's some discussion of dealing with battle damage. You can use the index sub-console to switch hands, the manual activation buttons will turn red to indicate lost apogee motors, et cetera. Also, as you use up your propellant, you should adjust the throttle lever to reduce your thrust.

Once combat is over, you can return to your mission route. Set the drive/fuel system mode back to "cruising" while you check for damage and glance at your propellant levels. All clear? Set the sensor mode back to "warning" (via the top console), put the throttle lever back into "idling" position, and continue on your course.

Example Escape Sequence

This chapter details the workings of the emergency ejection mechanism, which is activated by opening a box under the seat and pulling on the "escape ring" inside. The mobile suit's chest armor blows off, and then the seat is launched about a quarter of a second later. The seat's rocket motors fire for up to 30 seconds, with a peak acceleration of 16 gees; within five seconds you'll be a kilometer away from the mobile suit, safely clear of the blast radius. (I note that these figures indicate an average acceleration of 8 gees.)

Once you've ejected, you can maneuver the drifting seat with its built-in apogee motors. The life-support systems provide five days' worth of air, and three days' worth of food and water (presumably delivered in-helmet), while a beacon signals to friendly rescuers.

Example Return Sequence

Assuming your mission went well, you now get to return to your carrier ship or hangar. Your operator will guide you through the final stage of the approach. Once you reach the ship's hull or hangar entrance, turn on your foot magnets, set the throttle lever to "idling," and set your drive/fuel system mode to "walk." Then, once you're safely back in the hangar, switch the drive/fuel system to "maintenance" mode. This will shut down the thrusters, lock all the drive systems, and finally power down the generator.

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